The History of the Development of PC Computers From Time to Time

During the pandemic, more and more people are using computers as a medium for work. Its existence is increasingly needed by the community, making several manufacturers innovate to issue products with the latest technology. The sophistication of the computer you are using today is inseparable from the history of its development from time to time. Here’s a summary of the history of the computer/PC that you should know:

1. The invention of the computer
The world’s first computer had a much different form from today’s computers. Charles Babbage as the inventor of the computer in 1822 originally wanted to create a steam-powered calculating machine. However, the working system used by the world’s first computer and modern computers is the same, namely both for numerical calculations/computing.
2. The invention of the digital computer
The digital computer is not a development of the world’s first computer. It was created by a different person, namely Alan Turing a mathematical researcher. He developed a machine capable of executing a command. His invention was named the Turing machine and the test of his ideas was called the Turing test.
Then it was developed 6 years later or around 1936 by Konrad Zuse, a German mechanical engineer. The Z1 was the first digital computer he developed before World War 1 and was destroyed during World War 2.
After that came the figure of John Mauchly who created the ENIAC engine. John’s goal in creating the machine was to help the army predict attacks. Because ENIAC is equipped with a system capable of analyzing thousands of problems in seconds. ENIAC weighs 30 tons, because it contains many components, such as 40 cabinets, 6000 switches, and many more.

3. Programming language
In 1954 a programming language to help new computer systems work was born. It was created by Grace Hopper with the aim that computers can convey messages in English. Before the invention of the programming language / COBOL, computers only received and gave information in the form of numbers. Since then, programming languages ​​have been developing, one of which is the FORTRAN programming language created by the IBM programming team.
4. The first technology company
The IBM company led by John Backus has ambitions to become a pioneer of computer trends in the world. His ambition started with creating IBM devices and mass-produced them. Then in 1965, Programma 101 became the first digital computer to be marketed and popular among mathematicians, engineers, and the general public. When compared with ENIAC, Programma 101 has a more compact shape and weight, which is only about 29 kg.
5. Personal computer
Personal computers were first marketed in 1970, the technology they brought made computers capable of sending documents via email and printing machines. Xerox Alto is the first personal computer that looks like a modern computer today. Xerox Alto is also equipped with a keyboard, mouse, and monitor screen. Still in the same year, there were some great inventions such as floppy disks, internet, DRAM.

Then, 6 years later, the Apple company was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The company introduced the production of the Apple 1 computer, which became the first single-circuit computer. Then followed by Microsoft who introduced Word in 1983 and rivaled by Apple with the release of the Macintosh in 1984.
So that’s a brief history of the invention of the world’s first computer until the computer in the 1980s. There is still a long history of computer development to become modern computers like the ones we use today.